Saturday, July 30, 2011
Marhaban Ya Ramadhan :)
Ramadhan Datang -Tompi-
Ramadhan datang alam pun riang
menyambut bulan yang berkah
umat berdendang kumandang azan
pertanda hati yang senang
hati yang gembira
penuh suka cita
Sebulan kita kan berpuasa
melawan lapar dahaga
kalahkan nafsu rayuan syetan
menjadi insan yang taqwa
hati yang gembira
penuh suka cita
Tarawih dan tadarus
bersujud di tengah malam
berzikir dan berdoa
menyebut asmaMu ALLAH
dan tak lupa berzakat
sempurnakan kewajiban
mensucikan jiwa
sebagai insan yang fitri
Tarawih dan tadarus
bersujud di tengah malam
berzikir dan berdoa
menyebut asmaMu ALLAH
dan tak lupa berzakat
sempurnakan kewajiban
mensucikan jiwa
sebagai makhluk ALLAH
Ramadhan is coming! wuhuuu~ i feel sooo happy and everybody does :)
This is my first Ramadhan with my husband,, it could be my greatest Ramadhan. Get Sahur and break fasting with him, tadarrus and taraweh together, cant wait any longer for those moments! x)
Anyway, back to the aim of this holy month,, Hope that we could making the best use of this very very worth month, which each of us race to do a kindness, increase our pahalas, and going closer to our GOD, Allah SWT
May this Ramadhan will be better than our last Ramadhan, amien ;)
Marhaban Ya Syahrul Ramadhan..
Friday, July 29, 2011
The Wedding Cards :)
Our Wedding Card, given by beloved family and beloved friends. I collected some of them but unhappily, i lost the others, huhu.
Well, bunch of thanks for all of your prayers for us :)

A letter from my special student, Cut Tasha Tamimi. In this letter she excerpted my older post in my blog, which told about me and my husband . Wow, thats very touching :')

My favourite words, "Tetep jadi kakak gaul yaa". Hihihi, was i cool enough? :p

"The Journey begins, starts a new life ahead. Hope everything runs well, and have a 'samara' family. Amiiien :)" -Miss Desi & Family-
Well, bunch of thanks for all of your prayers for us :)

A letter from my special student, Cut Tasha Tamimi. In this letter she excerpted my older post in my blog, which told about me and my husband . Wow, thats very touching :')

My favourite words, "Tetep jadi kakak gaul yaa". Hihihi, was i cool enough? :p

"The Journey begins, starts a new life ahead. Hope everything runs well, and have a 'samara' family. Amiiien :)" -Miss Desi & Family-
Monday, July 25, 2011
Happy birthday my dear, Disti Ria Larasati !
May you always be under Allah protection and His loving care. May He also showers his blessing to you, guides you in your every single steps, and keeps your heart always in peacefulness. I apologize to you for forgetting your birthday. I do it intuitively of course :( We will meet again in the next holiday, perhaps? Please keep in touch, i do miss you, really.
Loving you with no ending :)
your sist, Amanda.
May you always be under Allah protection and His loving care. May He also showers his blessing to you, guides you in your every single steps, and keeps your heart always in peacefulness. I apologize to you for forgetting your birthday. I do it intuitively of course :( We will meet again in the next holiday, perhaps? Please keep in touch, i do miss you, really.
Loving you with no ending :)
your sist, Amanda.

Monday, July 18, 2011
MAN 7 family gathering :)
This was my first time accompanied my husband in family gathering from his school. I was really happy, met and circulated, getting together with all teacher of MAN 7 jakarta, and their family also :) There were many children, i remembered some of them. Vina, Mrs. Endang's princess. Azkia, Mr. Wisnu's sweetheart, and Khaidir, the cutest one, son of Mr. Ghufron.
We stayed in Puncak resort, about five kilometres from Wisma Haji Ciloto. At noon all of us visited Holly and Woody Playing Park. In there, we had a lunch, swam , rode the roller coaster - this roller coaster was smaller than halilintar in Fantasy World :)-, and so on.
Me, my husband, and five other family got the room in Geulis 10 Villa. An extravagant and comfortable villa.
At night all of us got on together at hall, chose a new commander of MAN 7's big family, and Mr. Maman was the choosen one, congratulation sir! Then, we had a supper while the singers were singing to jazzed up the ambience :)
Nobodys unhappy. That was our very great weekend. Its like our second honeymoon, hihihi. Proud to be a part of MAN 7 big family, Alhamdulillah :)
Enjoyed the mountain atmosphere,hmmmm~
My darl and his friend,Mr. Ghufron, walked around the villa in the morning :)
Me and my darl, with our sweetest smile, at Holly and Woddy Park. Big thanks for Pak Pri who took this picture :)
We stayed in Puncak resort, about five kilometres from Wisma Haji Ciloto. At noon all of us visited Holly and Woody Playing Park. In there, we had a lunch, swam , rode the roller coaster - this roller coaster was smaller than halilintar in Fantasy World :)-, and so on.
Me, my husband, and five other family got the room in Geulis 10 Villa. An extravagant and comfortable villa.
At night all of us got on together at hall, chose a new commander of MAN 7's big family, and Mr. Maman was the choosen one, congratulation sir! Then, we had a supper while the singers were singing to jazzed up the ambience :)
Nobodys unhappy. That was our very great weekend. Its like our second honeymoon, hihihi. Proud to be a part of MAN 7 big family, Alhamdulillah :)

Enjoyed the mountain atmosphere,hmmmm~

My darl and his friend,Mr. Ghufron, walked around the villa in the morning :)

Me and my darl, with our sweetest smile, at Holly and Woddy Park. Big thanks for Pak Pri who took this picture :)
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Munduh mantu ^^
Munduh mantu, our 2nd wedding party :) It was held on june 5th, on my darl's residence, started from 10 a.m till ba'da isya. Can you imagine how tired we are? but it was soooo interesting,actually,, and we felt very please and glad :) All of these wedding-gown are my selection. The grey one is our favourite. its a simple, chic, and glamour gown, in my opinion. Love it!

Our wedding photos album, page 13-14 :) Thank you for Encing Agus, as photographer whose masterworks are very marvellous!

Page 21-22, dominated with black and brown :)

Do you find a resemblance between Inneke Kusherawati and me? Well, we are both beautiful, arent we? hhihi. And the prominent differences among us is, the managers never display my sweet-picture on their magazine-cover,hehehe x)

Dark red wedding-gown with sweet flower pattern :)

You are my soul. I'm your mate. I love you, the owner of my heart :)

Tempoe-doeloe nuance. Bang Pitung Padil and Mpok Manda Rohaye, hihihi :)

Our wedding photos album, page 13-14 :) Thank you for Encing Agus, as photographer whose masterworks are very marvellous!

Page 21-22, dominated with black and brown :)

Do you find a resemblance between Inneke Kusherawati and me? Well, we are both beautiful, arent we? hhihi. And the prominent differences among us is, the managers never display my sweet-picture on their magazine-cover,hehehe x)

Dark red wedding-gown with sweet flower pattern :)

You are my soul. I'm your mate. I love you, the owner of my heart :)

Tempoe-doeloe nuance. Bang Pitung Padil and Mpok Manda Rohaye, hihihi :)
Friday, July 8, 2011
MOPDB MAN 7 Jakarta :)
My husband has so many tasks in this short-holiday. So, i'll try to help him by doing some of his tasks, designing certificate and book-cover for an event in his school -my husband is a teacher by the way ^^-. Well, i hope he likes my masterwork, hihihi :)

MAN 7's motto is Smart, Right, and Success. Like this! :)

MAN 7's motto is Smart, Right, and Success. Like this! :)
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
July 4th, that's my birthday :D
Usia baru, ganti KTP, ganti status :)
Senang dan terharu rasanya, pagi-pagi sudah dapat banyak ucapan serta doa-doa indah dari kerabat-kerabat terdekat, dan dari suami tersayang tentunya :) Doa darinya merupakan kado terindah untuk saya.
Mudah-mudahan di usia yang menginjak dua puluh dua tahun ini saya bs menjadi seseorang yang lebih dewasa, lebih bijaksana, dan lebih KUAT seperti K'naan dalam lagunya "..when i get older, i will be stronger..lalalalalaaaa~ ^^"

Heya, orang yang pertama kali ngasih ucapan selamat :) arigatouu heya-chan!

Amiiinnn.. Best wishes for you too, my babe :*

Miss youuuu bumil, see you in jekarda, keken !:)

Doanya mantaab..amiin, mudah-mudahan shafiraku segera jadi aunty yaa x)

Waah, syeneeng liat status bbmnya hadiid dan anjani ;D thankieesss :D
Tahun ini ga dapet sms dari hikmaku, padahal dia sahabat terdekat saya :( Tp ternyata, #taraaaa# dia dateng ke rumah pagi-pagi tanggal 5 untuk kasih ucapan selamat dan kado buat saya, bahkan saya belum mandi!hihihi
Big hug and a thousand of kisses for you hikmamakuu..muach muach muach muach :*

A PINK-contact lens-case and PINK-sweet-panda mug from hikmaku, sooo cute :):)
Usia baru, ganti KTP, ganti status :)
Senang dan terharu rasanya, pagi-pagi sudah dapat banyak ucapan serta doa-doa indah dari kerabat-kerabat terdekat, dan dari suami tersayang tentunya :) Doa darinya merupakan kado terindah untuk saya.
Mudah-mudahan di usia yang menginjak dua puluh dua tahun ini saya bs menjadi seseorang yang lebih dewasa, lebih bijaksana, dan lebih KUAT seperti K'naan dalam lagunya "..when i get older, i will be stronger..lalalalalaaaa~ ^^"

Heya, orang yang pertama kali ngasih ucapan selamat :) arigatouu heya-chan!

Amiiinnn.. Best wishes for you too, my babe :*

Miss youuuu bumil, see you in jekarda, keken !:)

Doanya mantaab..amiin, mudah-mudahan shafiraku segera jadi aunty yaa x)

Waah, syeneeng liat status bbmnya hadiid dan anjani ;D thankieesss :D
Tahun ini ga dapet sms dari hikmaku, padahal dia sahabat terdekat saya :( Tp ternyata, #taraaaa# dia dateng ke rumah pagi-pagi tanggal 5 untuk kasih ucapan selamat dan kado buat saya, bahkan saya belum mandi!hihihi
Big hug and a thousand of kisses for you hikmamakuu..muach muach muach muach :*

A PINK-contact lens-case and PINK-sweet-panda mug from hikmaku, sooo cute :):)
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Rasanya saya ingin mengabadikan semua hal yang berkaitan dengan pernikahan saya, benar-benar momen itu merupakan terindah buat saya *my graduation day will be my best day too, of course* :)
These are some of our wedding stuff,so please enjoy my new post, and feel the joy :)

25gram of gold jewelry, as my dowry :)

Firecracker, ciri khas pengantin betawi, untuk menyambut kedatangan calon suami dan keluarga :)

Our wedding souvenir, cute brooch and transparent glass with detail of us. We bought it at Etnik Souvenir Shop, Mester, Jatinegara :)

Guest book. Please put your signature here :) Thank you for coming! ^^

This is my biggest-surprising-wedding present. Piala bergilir dari sahabat-sahabat SREACA tersayang, bertuliskan "Happiness is the part of us". Diberikan pada saya sebagai anggota SREACA pertama yang menikah :) Well, who's next? x)
These are some of our wedding stuff,so please enjoy my new post, and feel the joy :)
25gram of gold jewelry, as my dowry :)
Firecracker, ciri khas pengantin betawi, untuk menyambut kedatangan calon suami dan keluarga :)
Our wedding souvenir, cute brooch and transparent glass with detail of us. We bought it at Etnik Souvenir Shop, Mester, Jatinegara :)
Guest book. Please put your signature here :) Thank you for coming! ^^

This is my biggest-surprising-wedding present. Piala bergilir dari sahabat-sahabat SREACA tersayang, bertuliskan "Happiness is the part of us". Diberikan pada saya sebagai anggota SREACA pertama yang menikah :) Well, who's next? x)
Monday, July 4, 2011
All of these photos was taken by WIDAD Photography. We look like a princess and a prince, do we? :)
Good job, four thumbs up for you WIDAD, thankyouuu..

melambai-lambai layaknya miss universe, hehehe :) *nice laugh, darl x)

in our bridal-room, sooo sweet

sudah punya buku nikah sekarang, yippiyy :D

bridal-gown with great colour combination, thankieess Maleena's :) Abang-None Betawi 2011,hihihi

This is our cover album..hey, are you nervous darl? x) loveee it!
Good job, four thumbs up for you WIDAD, thankyouuu..
melambai-lambai layaknya miss universe, hehehe :) *nice laugh, darl x)
in our bridal-room, sooo sweet
sudah punya buku nikah sekarang, yippiyy :D
bridal-gown with great colour combination, thankieess Maleena's :) Abang-None Betawi 2011,hihihi
This is our cover album..hey, are you nervous darl? x) loveee it!
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