The babies have just born!wuhuuu~
A beautiful baby named
Aqila Shinju Syalwa Ardiansyah, a first child from Mr & Mrs. Ardiansyah :) Her name means
a pearl who has born in Syawal. Its a very pretty name, isnt it?
Now you're already become a trully mom, keken. A mom with a baby in your arms :) I do really wanna see and kiss you and your little barbie, unfortunately you both are so far away :(
Umi keken, please tell your princess that you have a best friend in Jakarta. Me. Tell her to call me Aunty,
Aunty Amanda. And please tell her that I love her, although i havent meet her :')
Dastan, another baby in this September! :D
My new newphew has born on September, 20th 2011 :):) He's very charming-cute-handsome baby, like an angel from heaven :) His full name is
Dastan Brillian Syah, inspired from an actor in "Prince of Persia".
Congratulation for Teteh Della and IrwanSyah,, Hope your perfect little family always be happy, forever after :)
Aqila :)
Dastan, with his very first smile :)P.S : God, ive sent a letter for you... :')