Months ago, friend of mine gave me a book as wedding present, entitled Biarkan Cinta Bersemi, Panduan Untuk Kebahagiaan Rumah Tangga, written by fathi muhammad Ath-Thahir. Actually, i had just finished read this book yesterday, and i learnt many many things from this book, alhamdulillah :)
Buku ini sangat cocok dibaca oleh para suami dan istri, serta para calon suami dan istri, karena buku ini juga memberikan satu bab khusus membahas Cara Memilih Calon Suami dan Calon Istri yang Baik :D
Orang-orang Penyayang disayangi oleh Yang Maha Penyayang (Allah). Sayangilah siapa yang ada di bumi niscaya kalian akan disayangi oleh yang ada di langit (Allah)
-HR. Tirmidzi, Abu Dawud dan Ahmad-
Janganlah kalian menikahi perempuan karena kecantikannya. Karena kecantikannya itu akan hilang darinya. Janganlah kalian menikahinya karena kekayaan. Sebab kekayaannya itu akan membuatnya sombong. Tetapi, nikahilah perempuan karena agamanya
-HR. Ibnu Majah-
..Bukanlah kecantikan pada pakaiannya yang menghiasi, sesungguhnya kecantikan adalah cantik ilmu dan akhlak. Siapa yang memiliki istri yang mengerti agama, maka dia sebagai pencegah dari kesengsaraan..
Subhanallah :)
Best part dari buku ini adalah bagian penjelasan tentang Kiat-kiat untuk Menambah Kemesraan dan Pengaruhnya pada Hubungan Cinta Suami dan Istri. l'll tell you some :))
1) Bertutur kata yang baik dan manis, serta menyambut pembicaraan pasangan
Thats a must! :)
2) Memulai dengan salam
Apabila Engkau masuk rumah keluargamu, ucapkanlah salam. Semoga salammu menjadi berkah kepadamu dan kepada keluargamu
-HR. Tirmidzi-
3) Mengungkapkan Perasaan-perasaan Cinta, saling memuji, serta memanjakan dengan nama dan julukan yang disenanginya
Umar bin Khattab ra berkata " Ada tiga kriterian yang berarti engkau mencintai saudaramu seiman), mengucapkan salam bila engkau bertemu dengannya; memberi tempat duduk unyuknya di majelis; dan memanggilnya dengan nama yang paling dia sukai"
4) Saling memberikan ucapan terima kasih, bersenda gurau dan saling menghibur
5) Saling berbelas kasih dan manja
6) Boleh berbohong Demi kemashlahatan Pasangan
Ummu Kaltsum ra "Aku tidak mendengar rasulullah saw membolehkan berbohong kecuali untuk 3 perkara, Seseorang berkata bohong untuk mendamaikan (yang bertikai), seorang berkata bohong dalam peperangan, dan suami membohongi istri dan istri membohongi suaminya hanya untuk kebaikan)" -HR Muslim-
6) Berhias
Wanita dan laki-laki boleh berhias kok, dengan tujuan semua itu hanya untuk suami atau untuk istrinya :)
7) Cemburu yang terpuji
8) Berakhlak baik
Tempat kalian yang paling dekat denganku di hari Kiamat adalah yang paling baik akhlaknya di antara kalian
-HR Tirmidzi-
9) Saling bersikap ramah dan toleransi
10) Ketaatan suami istri
Itu baru seberapa, dan tiap-tiapnya ada penjelasannya. Cuma sepertinya akan jadi sangat panjang jika semuanya saya tulis disini,hihihi
Anyway, if you want to borrow this book, just ask, and ill lend out this book with pleasure -no hire charge of course :)
Jika seorang wanita shalat lima waktu, berpuasa sebulan (di bulan Ramadhan), menjaga kemaluannya dan menaati suaminya, dia masuk surga Tuhannya
-HR. Ibnu Hibban-
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Five months :))
Time is running so fast! :D
Rasanya baru kemarin saya dilamar
Rasanya baru kemarin rombongan pengantin prianya datang
Rasanya baru kemarin ayah menyerahkan saya padanya
Alhamdulillah, tidak terasa sudah genap 5 bulan usia pernikahan ini :)
Semoga kita selalu berada di jalanNya, dan keluarga kecil kita menjadi keluarga yang Allah ridhoi, yang tak pernah lupa bersyukur, yang selalu diliputi ketentraman dan kasih sayang. Amiiin..:)
Kamu musim panasku
tersenyum dan bersinar bagai sinar mentari
berikan limpahan semangat tak ada habisnya
Kamu musim gugurku
tak semua yang jatuh adalah buruk
tetap indah hariku bersamamu
walau ditemani ranting tak berdaun
walau burung sedang tak bermelodi
Kamu musim dinginku
menyeluruh putih namun aku tak bosan
berikan jejak di setiap kaki melangkah
berikan gigil di setiap angin menyapa
dingin menusuk aku tak takut
kamu bersamaku
Kamu musim semiku
musim yang kutunggu selalu
danauku kembali beriak
tamanku kembali berwarna
kelopak mekar tebarkan harum
kicauan burung mengajakku menari!
benar-benar ingin aku menari!
menari bersamamu..
Happy 5th wedding monthsarry, my dear husband
Time is running so fast! :D
Rasanya baru kemarin saya dilamar
Rasanya baru kemarin rombongan pengantin prianya datang
Rasanya baru kemarin ayah menyerahkan saya padanya
Alhamdulillah, tidak terasa sudah genap 5 bulan usia pernikahan ini :)
Semoga kita selalu berada di jalanNya, dan keluarga kecil kita menjadi keluarga yang Allah ridhoi, yang tak pernah lupa bersyukur, yang selalu diliputi ketentraman dan kasih sayang. Amiiin..:)
Kamu musim panasku
tersenyum dan bersinar bagai sinar mentari
berikan limpahan semangat tak ada habisnya
Kamu musim gugurku
tak semua yang jatuh adalah buruk
tetap indah hariku bersamamu
walau ditemani ranting tak berdaun
walau burung sedang tak bermelodi
Kamu musim dinginku
menyeluruh putih namun aku tak bosan
berikan jejak di setiap kaki melangkah
berikan gigil di setiap angin menyapa
dingin menusuk aku tak takut
kamu bersamaku
Kamu musim semiku
musim yang kutunggu selalu
danauku kembali beriak
tamanku kembali berwarna
kelopak mekar tebarkan harum
kicauan burung mengajakku menari!
benar-benar ingin aku menari!
menari bersamamu..
Happy 5th wedding monthsarry, my dear husband
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
The Temper Trap
I love an easy listening music. A song with a good lyric and an extraordinary vocal is my prefer one :)
Here's a taste of a new slow-wave rock band out of Melbourne, Australia. The Temper Trap. It's rock with all its dramatic components; shimmering cymbals, synth undertones, fast-paced pedal-heavy guitars. But the secret weapon? The luscious, very extraordinary, quivering voice of their singer known as Dougy, an Indonesia-born. Dougie Mandagi was raised in Indonesia, before he went to Hawaii then stayed in Australia.
They're cool!
Dougy, sang vokalis dengan wajahnya yang Indonesia bangeet :)
Para nidjiholic pasti akan suka sama lagu-lagu mereka, karena samar-samar suara khas giring mirip dengan suara emas sang vokalis.
Best track : Sweet Disposition, original soundtrack of '500days of Summer' :)
"..wont stop till its over, wont stop to surrender.."
I love an easy listening music. A song with a good lyric and an extraordinary vocal is my prefer one :)
Here's a taste of a new slow-wave rock band out of Melbourne, Australia. The Temper Trap. It's rock with all its dramatic components; shimmering cymbals, synth undertones, fast-paced pedal-heavy guitars. But the secret weapon? The luscious, very extraordinary, quivering voice of their singer known as Dougy, an Indonesia-born. Dougie Mandagi was raised in Indonesia, before he went to Hawaii then stayed in Australia.
They're cool!
Dougy, sang vokalis dengan wajahnya yang Indonesia bangeet :)
Para nidjiholic pasti akan suka sama lagu-lagu mereka, karena samar-samar suara khas giring mirip dengan suara emas sang vokalis.
Best track : Sweet Disposition, original soundtrack of '500days of Summer' :)
"..wont stop till its over, wont stop to surrender.."
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Dreams of mine :)
Dear My beloved Allah, i have written down my biggest dreams. Give me strenght, and help me to make it happen :) With You, impossible is nothing.
1)Get well very soon
Families, fellas, and of course my husband, they are my spirit :')
2) Graduated!
Oh i cant wait any longer for that day! Being an alumna of Unversity of Indonesia is my biggest dream ever :) Allahumma yasir wala tu'asir :))
3) Having some cutes babies x))
I wanna have babies and being a mommy. God, i already have some good names for them, hihihi. Bismillah. Bismillah. Bismillah ^^
4) Haj Pilgrimage
Labbaikallahumma labaaik :')
Open a haj savings, SOON!
"Jangan tunggu sampai benar-benar mapan untuk membuka tabungan haji. Mulai dari yang kecil, mulai dari sekarang :)"
5) Having our own house
With a beautiful garden outside, and small library inside. Amiiiin. hihihi
6) Being his superduperwife, for the rest of my life
..if you ask me why i choose you, it because Allah give me a love, intended to you :)
Dear My beloved Allah, i have written down my biggest dreams. Give me strenght, and help me to make it happen :) With You, impossible is nothing.
1)Get well very soon
Families, fellas, and of course my husband, they are my spirit :')
2) Graduated!
Oh i cant wait any longer for that day! Being an alumna of Unversity of Indonesia is my biggest dream ever :) Allahumma yasir wala tu'asir :))
3) Having some cutes babies x))
I wanna have babies and being a mommy. God, i already have some good names for them, hihihi. Bismillah. Bismillah. Bismillah ^^
4) Haj Pilgrimage
Labbaikallahumma labaaik :')
Open a haj savings, SOON!
"Jangan tunggu sampai benar-benar mapan untuk membuka tabungan haji. Mulai dari yang kecil, mulai dari sekarang :)"
5) Having our own house
With a beautiful garden outside, and small library inside. Amiiiin. hihihi
6) Being his superduperwife, for the rest of my life
..if you ask me why i choose you, it because Allah give me a love, intended to you :)
Monday, October 24, 2011
My new Jilbab :)
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Iniko Toy's Cafe
Yesterday was very good day :) I had a lunch time with SREACA at Iniko Toy's Cafe, near from Senopati dispensary. This cafe provides many games for customers. So you can played with your fellas after you enjoyed the cuisine.
Fyi, the prices of foods is quite uncheap, but they absolutely had a good taste. Nyaam :9
UNO Stacko. The rules of this game are similar with UNO cards.
Took some pictures, while our orders were prepared
Adit's choice, Avocade pancake with one scoop of choco ice cream :9. Andi's choice, Korean cuisine *i forgot the name*. I thought he got Korean Fever. Hihihi :D x)
My hikma's choice. Meatloaf yummy ;99
My choice, Mango Lyche Squash, called Yellow Bird :9
Fyi, the prices of foods is quite uncheap, but they absolutely had a good taste. Nyaam :9
UNO Stacko. The rules of this game are similar with UNO cards.
Took some pictures, while our orders were prepared
Adit's choice, Avocade pancake with one scoop of choco ice cream :9. Andi's choice, Korean cuisine *i forgot the name*. I thought he got Korean Fever. Hihihi :D x)
My hikma's choice. Meatloaf yummy ;99
My choice, Mango Lyche Squash, called Yellow Bird :9
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Insha Allah :')
Every time you feel like you cannot go on
You feel so lost and that you’re so alone
All you see is night and darkness all around
You feel so helpless you can’t see which way to go
Don’t despair and never lose hope
’Cause Allah is always by your side
Turn to Allah He’s never far away
Put your trust in Him, raise your hands and pray
Ya Allah guide my steps, don’t let me go astray
You’re the only one who can show me the way
Insha Allah, Insha Allah
Insha Allah we’ll find our way..
Oh Allah, thankyou for not leaving me when i'm deeply in sorrow. Thankyou for holding me when i feel like a despicable human. I'm just nothing without you :')
You feel so lost and that you’re so alone
All you see is night and darkness all around
You feel so helpless you can’t see which way to go
Don’t despair and never lose hope
’Cause Allah is always by your side
Turn to Allah He’s never far away
Put your trust in Him, raise your hands and pray
Ya Allah guide my steps, don’t let me go astray
You’re the only one who can show me the way
Insha Allah, Insha Allah
Insha Allah we’ll find our way..
Oh Allah, thankyou for not leaving me when i'm deeply in sorrow. Thankyou for holding me when i feel like a despicable human. I'm just nothing without you :')
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Letter of love (2)
I write this letter
to whom i lay my love one
to whom i put my heart in
to whom i belong to
My dear husband,
a thousand cups of love for you
the only one who can makes me smile when they cant
the only one who'll give the arms when they wont
i dont need superman to lift me up to the sky
i dont need prince charming to take me to his castle far away
and i dont need green lantern to save my galaxy
My dear husband,
you turn the light when my world is dark
you open my eyes when i cant see clearly
and you touch my heart when i need to feel
God will hear even i only whisper..
I wanna be with you in this life, and in His heaven :)
Everyday i love you
to whom i lay my love one
to whom i put my heart in
to whom i belong to
My dear husband,
a thousand cups of love for you
the only one who can makes me smile when they cant
the only one who'll give the arms when they wont
i dont need superman to lift me up to the sky
i dont need prince charming to take me to his castle far away
and i dont need green lantern to save my galaxy
My dear husband,
you turn the light when my world is dark
you open my eyes when i cant see clearly
and you touch my heart when i need to feel
God will hear even i only whisper..
I wanna be with you in this life, and in His heaven :)
Everyday i love you
My beautiful day :)
I was sitting in the corner of library when i accidentaly met them. Kak Amel and Irvanu.
Oh God thankyou for sending them for me, i really need friends to talk.
We have a chitchat time for about two hours. Thats very precious time for me. I learnt many many things from both of them.
Irvanu is going to go to Mecca next year! Haj Pilgrimage. Yes thats my dreams. My biggest dream of my life. Irvanu is only twenty first, but with all of his will, he is going to fulfill the last of Rukun Islam :') Awesome.
Kak Amel is searching for the scholarship. She wants to going abroad, and her destination is France! Allez! Bon Courage! Ill pray for your success, and also for your beloved daddy :)
My little conversation with them makes me me motivated. They've burnt my spirit. When there is a will, yes there is a way :)
Ba'da dzuhur, me and kak Amel had a lunch at Kansas, FIB. Then we enjoyed Germany Culture Festival which brought by students of Germany Department. They also organized small bazaar -we bought some pretty stuff at there-, and held the Germany drama competition. Marvellous :D
Its kinda perfect day for me. Haben Sie vielen Dank kak Amel for yesterday, and for delicious kebab too, hihihi
Cupscups :*
my new scarf, very cheap but trully gergeous!hihihi
Oh God thankyou for sending them for me, i really need friends to talk.
We have a chitchat time for about two hours. Thats very precious time for me. I learnt many many things from both of them.
Irvanu is going to go to Mecca next year! Haj Pilgrimage. Yes thats my dreams. My biggest dream of my life. Irvanu is only twenty first, but with all of his will, he is going to fulfill the last of Rukun Islam :') Awesome.
Kak Amel is searching for the scholarship. She wants to going abroad, and her destination is France! Allez! Bon Courage! Ill pray for your success, and also for your beloved daddy :)
My little conversation with them makes me me motivated. They've burnt my spirit. When there is a will, yes there is a way :)
Ba'da dzuhur, me and kak Amel had a lunch at Kansas, FIB. Then we enjoyed Germany Culture Festival which brought by students of Germany Department. They also organized small bazaar -we bought some pretty stuff at there-, and held the Germany drama competition. Marvellous :D
Its kinda perfect day for me. Haben Sie vielen Dank kak Amel for yesterday, and for delicious kebab too, hihihi
Cupscups :*
my new scarf, very cheap but trully gergeous!hihihi
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Letter of love
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